BugsPlease use this forum to report any bugs encountered, kindly provide screenshots, videos, and a detailed description of the problem, including steps taken to recreate it, so that we can effectively address the issue.
When uploading files i am getting the error Wrong server response (look at the screenshot).
Files are loaded, but I want to ask you to fix it.
Thanks in advance!
I have a similar problem - I can not upload pictures for several hours.
" : Error: wrong server response. Details: undefined."
Does anyone have this problem? I see that other people can upload pictures.
I found something. You can download wallpaper for your desktop - works fine. But the second time, those same wallpaper you will not upload - apparently checks the hashsum. One file could not be loaded twice! Small pictures are not loaded.
I think they put a filter for adult content on the forums.
Soon this service will be banned at all major adult forums. I'm looking for an alternative.