Originally Posted by slyj
Originally Posted by mechlon
Yep, looks like uploading doesn't work again. After the uploading process, there's this page:
but I just see "This image was removed"-pics instead of the uploaded ones.
But hey, after all, it's a free service, so either you be patient and wait till they fix it (sooner or later), or look for another free pic host... good luck
Or start your own fucking pic-host, how hard could that be, huh? 
or fucking pretend that this is actually going to be fixed, because the fucker
hasn't worked since I joined this site. Free site? I don't know ONE pic hosting
site that isn't fucking free......so save that fucking line for some other dumbasses.
I will take one bit of advice though, I'll use one of the other 40 jillion FREE
sites out there.
That line was an answer to pattonfiend67's post, 2 weeks ago
Originally Posted by pattonfiend67
damnit, c'mon guys... it's just fucking uploading pictures, how hard could that be to fix...
shortly after, P&H worked fine again. Now there was a downtime for 1 or 2 days again... so what? It has been fixed, everything works again, great. It's not like everyone will die because P&H is down for a few days...
Have fun with one of the other 40 jillion free sites out there, we will miss you