BugsPlease use this forum to report any bugs encountered, kindly provide screenshots, videos, and a detailed description of the problem, including steps taken to recreate it, so that we can effectively address the issue.
My photos are still processing. Hi I uploaded photos but they appear to be still "processing" can you please check it out http://prntscr.com/fbybpi when I tried to preview it I'm getting image is removed error http://prntscr.com/fbybxg
Same here.
When uploading a picture, the image appears on the screen but you don't get the links. It just says "Processing" and that takes ages already.
Wish you success in fixing the bug.
Same here.
When uploading a picture, the image appears on the screen but you don't get the links. It just says "Processing" and that takes ages already.
Wish you success in fixing the bug.