BugsPlease use this forum to report any bugs encountered, kindly provide screenshots, videos, and a detailed description of the problem, including steps taken to recreate it, so that we can effectively address the issue.
My images are being removed. All the pics are being removed from some albums.
This cannot be due to copyright violations because they are from a large variety of sources.
Why is this happening?
I'd say about a third of the images i've uploaded over the past few months have now been removed. The older stuff is fine. Here's a selection, but there's hundreds
Hundreds of my pics have been removed!
This is no longer a safe site to keep my precious stuff.
I am now, laboriously downloading all my albums and reloading them to other, safer on-line servers.
Today many images began to give a message to remove them. In reality, they are not removed. It is a pity that this bug is not fixed and the situation is getting worse.