It's so tiring...

Again and again (last was 1 week ago) come the same problem and all my uploaded pictures are don't load into the forums where I put them. Now I look in the Pimp homepage, in my account and there is the same, non of mine pictures are seen.
I really like Pimp when it's working, but time to time, again and again come this huge problem and all my pictures "gone" temporarly. And this is a big, a very big problem, because picture hosting should be a 7/24 run. If I trust in Pimp, and with them I put most of my pictures into many forums i can not afford to this.
So I have 2 serious question to Pimp:
1. Is it a temporarly problem? When will be my pictures back to see?
2. Is there any chance (ongoing development, operation stability enhancement. etc.) to solve this recurring problem and with this make Pimp a reliable imagehost or I sadly I have to find another picture host and leave Pimp?
Thank you in advance for answers.