Originally Posted by Amateursexkitty
I was wondering if posts could have a queue for drafts so we could make a few up to keep in there to release at various times, or in various order.
Rather than 10 pictures with “Here’s my pussy, look at it,” I tend to write a full story to go with my post’s pics. Lots of times I get half way through drafting a post and I get started on a new escapade that I’d like to publish first, but without loosing my previous post’s draft.
When Tumblr was a thing I use to queue a ton of pics with stories on there and set it to publish them every so many minutes during the peak viewing hours. I’m not looking for anything that exotic, but figured I’d throw the idea out there. 
What I find (from my laptop) is that when creating a post, the site auto saves my work as a draft. I might go away from it, forget about it, whatever...but when I come BACK to create a post, that previous draft comes up (NICE!) and/but I have to complete THAT one before i can create from scratch. Is this not what you are getting, Amateursexkitty?