Originally Posted by Gdawg2158
I have found that if I see something that offends me, I move on to something else. Just putting down someone just hurts the rating score! When some put down a post simply because of a gender issue, Grow up we are all created equal.  I am sorry I think this is in the wrong area. New to all of this...
If something goes against the site's TOS, a downvote could be warrented maybe (and dropping a note to the Top Pimp).
But an upvote or downvote can also be an "opinion" vote.
Personally, all the "websluts", "exposing", bad photoshopping, Brazilian prostitiute, and website promoting don't positively add to the site and a down vote might be ok there too.
Gotta have thick skin here (so to speak)....a few people are creating profiles just to slam and flame me with downvotes....but that's their deal, not mine...
I'm trying to offer some light hearted and entertaining posts...and it seems the over-all response by the numbers are positive....