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Old 10-11-2011   #5
Posts: n/a

Hello, I see this is an old thread but since the rotate issue wasn't resolved I want to ask something similar.

Not under "Pimp" but under regular Edit, I want to rotate the gif. The button for it is clearly there, but it doesn't seem to actually work.
When I attempt to do it, by clicking "Crop/resize/rotate", and then click the angle I want, and "Finish and Save", this is what happens:
If I'm viewing the photo album, the picture's thumbnail is still not rotated. It's still at it's original angle.
The same is true when I click the thumbnail to view the full image ("Original"). I see my edit hadn't worked.
However, if I click "Small", it DOES show it at the angle I wanted, BUT the gif no longer moves.
If I try again, clicking the "Crop/resize/rotate" button, it once again shows that correctly rotated but motionless gif.

Is it me or is it the site? I don't know what else to do about this.
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