ok i am 45 yrs old i live in Phoenix Az and i love my puter as if it was my kid i love to learn how to do new things like u do it in here and i just love to learn as much about the puter as i can i have 3 son,s and 1 daughter and 9 grandbabys and i love them all very much.so that is pretty much all about me except i spen so much time on my puter because i am disabled i can,t walk any more and if u can you should be doing alot of it you don,t know how much u miss walking untill u can,t do it any more i also loved to dance it was my favoret thing to do on the weekends and it is good to loose wait also i think i miss those things the most

so that is pretty much all about me for the mean time i am sure i will let more out as i become friends with ya all.