Wake up people. Far to many sluts, webwhores, and needy women that need to be made famous for you to keep sitting on your ass. One hand for wanking and one for posting; you gooning pervs need to help the cause.
Here's Selina Kopeck, a dirty little piece of fuck meat that eagerly performs for the cam but is not bright enough to know it can be captured and shared to help her fame rating.
If you see her, just show her the postings and order her to drop to her knees and blow you. This skank has little dignity so I am sure she'd blow even some of you pencil dick gooners.
Tally ho... Fuck da ho... and carry on
__________________ The one and only Kung Fu Exposer Ensuring your wives and GF get what they've been missing, one slut at a time (sometimes 2 at a time)
To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 10 or greater. You currently have 0 posts. Don't forget to mark those calendars for International Whores' Day, 2 June 2023. We gots a lot of work to accomplish before then.
Amazing collection but my contributions are not represented. She is now "mature" but still good for reposting. Pleas add her.
Originally Posted by KungFu-Exposer
Wake up people. Far to many sluts, webwhores, and needy women that need to be made famous for you to keep sitting on your ass. One hand for wanking and one for posting; you gooning pervs need to help the cause.
Here's Selina Kopeck, a dirty little piece of fuck meat that eagerly performs for the cam but is not bright enough to know it can be captured and shared to help her fame rating.
If you see her, just show her the postings and order her to drop to her knees and blow you. This skank has little dignity so I am sure she'd blow even some of you pencil dick gooners.