Originally Posted by hepcat940
[Starting to think my 'suggestions' are starting to sound like 'complaints'....but they aren't....really...]
Maybe....where it shows our avatar....the upper line has our name, rating, flag....and in the next line has followers and following.....maybe another line could be inserted between the two where we could put in a Tag Line for ourselves. To generate interest....maybe say what our focus is here....
Naturally mine would be along the lines of:
hepcat940 6k :Flag:
Talks too much, is snarky, and often posts really silly Posts....
413 followers 44 following
["6k"....don't think I really know what that means anyway...but...I do know it's twice as much as "3k"...]
We in general need to work on normal profiles, where users can write info about themselves and then we can on mouse hover display what you just mentioned.
if you have example sites where you think profiles look good let us know , and we will start thinking about it