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Old 07-10-2008   #5
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SxyMsclGazelle is on a distinguished road

I love the site and prefer it over photobucket anytime. Photobucket keeps on deleting my images. That is worse than the bugs on here. At least I know that when the pimpandhost site works, all my favorite images will still be there when I come back, not like going to photobucket and finding their stupid icons instead of my images all over my page. And when you post a comment for someone and they delete your images from your folders, only photobucket icon shows in that comment. I am always recommending pimpandhost to people who leave me comments and their images are gone on my comments section. I would like to recommend a site that will not goof up and vanish all the time I have a reputation fo recommending the best, so far I am a little bit disappointed when instead of pimpandhost I see a blank page or page can not be found. I just can't stand it when I come here to get an image to post a comment on my profile and nothing works. It gives me the same feeling as when I go to photobucket and see their "this image has been deleted" crap.

Guys, what is going on, this isn't the first or second or even the third time this happened.
Do you need to sign up for ccbill and allow people to sign up for premium memberships to help pay for your bandwidth?

I would be more than happy to do that as long as it isn't paypal. I hate them. They work with the gov, and report everything you purchase. I don't need the gov. to know when I buy some very private items. It's non of their business. Paypal is reporting how much you spend and what you buy. Also they have full access to your bank accounts and credit cards so they can do and report anything they want to. So please, use ccbill. Or anything else. I am sure if you ask for 9.99 for a year for premium membership from your members, they won't skimp, it's when websites get greedy and ask too much it's when people don't sign up.

Allright, I will hush up
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