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MUST READ: How to report a problem/error/bug
Hello everyone.
I`m making this tutorial in order to save time on error reporting and wasteful back and forth messaging to get the correct information from the reporter.
Do Not! Report a general problem as it is not helping us understanding it.
We need to retrace your steps in order to fix it, so every bit of information helps, be as thorough as possible.
We need example & exact actions you took to get the problem you are reporting.
Wrong Way to report an issue:
My images aren't loading.
My Images are missing
Thumbs not working.
This is a bad example of reporting a problem, we do not have any information, and are not able to do anything with the information provided above.
Proper way to report an issue:
My image Isn't loading:
Example url/s: http://pimpandhost.com/image/EXAMPLE-medium.html
Right click the problematic Image, Click the "Copy Link Location", Like so, and paste the URL to us, the reason for this is, we spread the images on many different servers, and we need to know which "exact" server is creating the problem for you.

Example URL: http://ist3-2.filesor.com/pimpandhos...Xyn4/share.jpg
After you got all the information, then you can post the thread.
Wrong Way to report an issue:
I uploaded an album but it doesn't show
Proper way to report an issue:
I uploaded an album but it doesn't show
The steps i took.
1) I uploaded an album from http://pimpandhost.com/site/upload
2) The album URL is: http://pimpandhost.com/album/test111.html
3) Broken image example:
General URL: http://pimpandhost.com/image/43746150-original.html
Example image URL (achieved by right click the "Copy Link Location"): http://ist3-2.filesor.com/pimpandhos...Xyn4/share.jpg
This method, will allow us to retrace your steps, and seeing exactly how the problem is created in order to fix it.
Important: When trying to share your Image/Album with us, make sure you use the proper sharing link, and not a link you just grab from your browser.
Any link with the word EDIT in it is a wrong link as those are your personal urls and only you are able access them, making them useless for the rest of us.
Example of a wrong link share: http://pimpandhost.com/album/edit/id/3699855
Correct Way of sharing links:
Grab the link from the sharing box provided below your image/album:
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