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Old 12-22-2010   #10
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i also was wondering what has happened to all my images. i'm very disappointed even though it's just meant to be a temporary solution.

my complete blog is messed up and visitors can't recognize any content anymore due to the tiny image dimensions... according to my stats, i lost 40% of my clicks during the 1,5 days due to this fact!

@pimp: can you estimate when the new hardware will arrive / you're gonna switch the image dimensions back to their original dimensions of 500px for medium? please give me an update asap, it's kind of urgent as my blog layout looks completely broken.

how do you judge what files are 'big'? dimensions or file size? what are your exact limits at the moment? i use 'save for web' (photoshop) and most of my images are around 120kb max but the majority of them got thumbnailed nonetheless.

if you can't help me, i'm going to reupload all my stuff at - they offer full size hotlinks only as long as the file sizes aren't too big. if a certain file size is exceeded, you don't get that option, what's a way better solution in my eyes.

@sexy-sappho-lover: try - if your files aren't too big, you can hotlink them. xxx is allowed too...

Last edited by M8R-0edtmj; 12-22-2010 at 12:00 PM.
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