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Old 02-01-2024   #5
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Originally Posted by spanishfly86-4U View Post
To PIMP: Your explanation might be true - but as users we don't care. We are like water - we flow where it is easiest. We are not going to change our settings to accommodate one site. We are porn addicts - you think we are going to turn off our ad blockers? LMAO It isn't every instance, either. I didn't report it until it happened a third time. It is sporadic.
Well first we will try to understand where the issue is, i need to know if anyone else get this? since I see no more reports and none of us get this issue also.

regarding ad blockers, so basically you say you wont turn off ad block = you use our site for free and you are not ready to contribute back to the site you use free of charge?

how do you think our site survives? or any other site for that matter, lets say 100% of all users turn on adblock, in simple words you will not see any ads, awesome for you, but then our site made 0$. how do we support you back then? from what funds?

over a decade huge team of people works and does their best to provide you with he best possible user experience maybe not perfect but the team here does actually reply and care and try to assist in any issues, and you laugh at the face of the people that try to assist you saying you will not turn off ad blocker... so what am I missing here?

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