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Old 05-14-2023   #7
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Hi Pimp!!

I have noticed a change-
Um, looks like this got fixed, almost?...but was it on purpose, or do you have a ghost in the machine?

I turned all of my alerts back on yesterday, intending to just keep my browser closed and just reopen it now and again....

..but I am "happy" to report when I accidentally left the browser open for several hours, that the behavior I complained about has ceased! So I have tested ALL of the notification functionality, and it is all correct now except for one piece:

With all 3 of my alert choices in the P&H account settings "active", the alerts is working mostly as expected, as far as I can tell!

1. (CORRECT) The alert only "dings" and enters a notification into my windows notification center oncer per new occurrence.

2. (CORRECT) When I have more than one notification waiting at pimp and host, they are all added in Windows Notification Center correctly; the count inside the P&H notification advances, telling me in one notification the total waiting for me at P&H. (This is an improvement from each notification creating its own entry in Win. Notif. Center)

3. (CORRECT, mostly...) Yes, now when I click on the notice in the windows notification center I am taken to P&H page, but I am taken to an unlabeled upload page - the system should take me to P&H page of all notifications, like if I had clicked on the notification bell in P&H webpage and then choose "select all".

I hope this is the result of more fine work from your team...because if no one has directly addressed this, then that means you have a loose bug in your program that got fixed accidentally...and that is at best scary, at worst it is a server-side fail waiting to happen! LOL

The uploader isn't working here in forum, so I posted the screen cap updated here:

I look forward to your resolution here.

Great Site!
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