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Old 03-22-2023   #8
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This is just my 2-cents. It seems to me that many of the site difficulties related in this issue of "photo side" and "forum side" is exactly that you are running 2 sites and trying to treat them like one single site (forum and photos). I admire your attempts to bridge the two. The "main site" button does not serve me personally because I don't need to go back to the home page and "start over" in the pictures.

My suggestion is this: Please make a link from a user here in the forums to their "picture side" profile. This would more directly integrate the 2 websites. We read something in "here" and want to reference the photos...but so many steps!

I think if we could click to the user's profile in the forum post to take us to the user's profile on the "pictures side" (open new tab!) you will see a significant jump in engagement across the two sites... making the arrangement behave more like "one".
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