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Old 01-31-2022   #6
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Originally Posted by fashionattempt.001 View Post
I haven't downvoted or flagged anything. I, personally, wouldn't downvote anything. But I would flag something. As far as downvoting, if I don't like something, I just move along. In a way, just happy someone is participating, even if the content isn't to my liking. Flagging is about rules violations, & the ability of the owner to keep the site up on it's server(s), w/o issues.

Just my 2cents.
Yeps, make perfect sense tbh let me discuss this with the team, this might be a good change.

"Flag" should be used as you described above this. to keep the site clean from trash uploaders who upload stuff that danger our site and community, and put stuff that we do not allow in our TOS.

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