Originally Posted by fashionattempt.001
I haven't downvoted or flagged anything. I, personally, wouldn't downvote anything. But I would flag something. As far as downvoting, if I don't like something, I just move along. In a way, just happy someone is participating, even if the content isn't to my liking. Flagging is about rules violations, & the ability of the owner to keep the site up on it's server(s), w/o issues.
Just my 2cents. 
I agree - get rid of "downvote". If someone doesn't like a photo, gallery, or post, they can just move on. You have in place a "Flag" option and that really should be enough.
This isn't a competition, so I agree with maintaining UP-vote only and remove the option of "downvote". Too many juvenile minds have proven they can't use it responsibly.