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Old 10-30-2019   #5
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Originally Posted by gurkholland View Post
Thank you for your reply!
Actually 1k pics per album is fine, people should organize pics better and into more albums instead of throwing everything into one album. Auto divide would be good.
However, the biggest issue is the 1k album limit. We can create more than 1k albums but only 1k will appear and be available on the dashboard. Everything else will be hidden somewhere.
Also, when searching for albums/images, only 1k results will show even though there are much more on the site. And the filter only allows for recent or popular images to show up, so we are out of luck if we are looking for something old.
Will update soon, we will limit all albums to 1k images top, and then think how to auto split all big albums, to reflect 1k images tops per album so you can access all your images.

regarding search we will see, i`ll update.

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