Team Leader
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 2,716
Thanks: 153
Thanked 655 Times in 303 Posts
New Pimpandhost.com is live!
We are almost there, i know there are few bugs an issues!
hold tight that`s as we are working on resolving everything you report around the clock.
Please report all issues and errors so we can fix them on the fly!
Very important: When reporting a problem , please provide step by step example of what you are doing, and include links/screenshots so we can do the same thing and retrace the error.
General words of "bbcodes doesn't work" are useless and we cant do nothing with this information.
- Sorting Albums/Images by Size/Name/Uploaded/Modified.
- BBCodes / HTML Codes Sharing.
- Sorting now effects the Sharing Codes also. (HTML/BBCodes/Links) to be sorted in same way as the actual images.
- Display "x" amount of images/albums per page.
- Album Issues & Previews for Locked Albums + Private Album Icon added.
- All 4 Image sizes are live & fixed. 180px , 250px , 500px , 750px.
- Copy To Clipboard is added.
- Download Albums as .zip results in "Error!" message.
- Mass Delete option for Albums
- Image Size & Resolution added
- Sorting by Privacy added
- Global progress bar for uploads & action icons are added.
Give us some time and we will turn this site into the best image hosting site you ever saw, we have so much more stuff planned
Updated: 12/8/2016
To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 10 or greater. You currently have 0 posts. - Making sharing easy - The #1 image hosting platform since 2006