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Old 01-27-2016   #53
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Originally Posted by dolphindude97 View Post
Ok pimp, let me try to explain it the best way I know how. The old search feature opened up to 38 pages I believe of results that matched closely to what was searched for. The old search also had the most recent uploads at the bottom of the home page and with an additional search you could find even more recent uploads. I would also like to point out that I believe we are all discussing searching the main site, not our own albums. With this new (crappy) google search, it gives us 10 pages of results with four on each page... and they all seem to be old albums or dead links that take you to nothing. Again, as I said in an earlier post, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Yes it may have been slow or caused some issues but it was THE BEST SEARCH BAR EVER!!!!!

Now that I have tried to explain why this new search is complete garbage compared to this new google search, let me ask you (pimp) a question. Was the search bar ever broken or unable to work or had you planned to replace the old search feature with this new third party google search bar? It seemed to me over the weekend that you were not prepared for it but now it seems this was your whole plan all along.

Thanks Pimp!
thanks for the clear answer, i`ll see what we can do with the provided data.

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