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Search: Posts Made By: Priscilla_the_Pinup
Forum: Suggestions / Feedbacks 12-16-2023
Replies: 3
Views: 3,615
"Tons" of post upvotes unauthentic

I am reporting this for your ongoing site maintenance, I don't know that their is imediate action to take. This seems like an issue that might be just developing now:

I logged in to today to 68 or...
Forum: Suggestions / Feedbacks 11-04-2023
Replies: 9
Views: 5,595
I understand, and I apologize for my impatience....

I understand, and I apologize for my impatience. You run a really good site here. I have been with you for a while now and you (and your team) are always responsive and you have a big hill to climb...
Forum: Showoff Room 11-04-2023
Replies: 2
Views: 2,845
Movie clips for preview

Some of you have seen my real models on here across various accounts. One of my models. "Trixie", the hot blonde mature who is the subject of this very account, is evolving into shooting movie clips....
Forum: Suggestions / Feedbacks 10-30-2023
Replies: 9
Views: 5,595
So doxxing is permitted on this site?

I reported a doxxing post yesterday. It came up in the feed again and when I tried to report it the on screen alert indicated the post is already reported.
Forum: Showoff Room 08-29-2023
Replies: 4
Views: 3,214
these look photo shopped..?

these look photo shopped..?
Forum: Suggestions / Feedbacks 08-29-2023
Replies: 4
Views: 2,812
Hi pimp - you run a great site. I just wanted to...

Hi pimp - you run a great site. I just wanted to swing back and let you know that I have moved my posting primarily to 2 other sites than this, and the reason is my ability to control the photos that...
Forum: Suggestions / Feedbacks 07-16-2023
Replies: 5
Views: 3,101
Please let me know if I have made the correct...

Please let me know if I have made the correct assumption: So, the tab on my profile that is labeled "reposts" is empty even though I know OTHER people have reposted MY posts...so I think that this...
Forum: Bugs 05-16-2023
Replies: 8
Views: 2,125
Hi pimp. I have replied directly to you in the...

Hi pimp. I have replied directly to you in the messaging system on "the pictures' side" of the site. Latest test = FAIL.
Forum: Bugs 05-14-2023
Replies: 8
Views: 2,125
Hi Pimp!! I have noticed a change- Um,...

Hi Pimp!!

I have noticed a change-
Um, looks like this got fixed, almost?...but was it on purpose, or do you have a ghost in the machine?

I turned all of my alerts back on...
Forum: Bugs 05-11-2023
Replies: 8
Views: 2,125
Hi Pimp - To be sure, you wrote "did not...

Hi Pimp -
To be sure, you wrote "did not happen before"...and I am telling you that This has always been the performance of this system for me. I finally get enough attention on my posts that this...
Forum: Bugs 05-04-2023
Replies: 8
Views: 2,125
It's like it knows I am clicking...

It's like it knows I am clicking "submit"https://ist7-1.filesor.com/pimpandhost.com/1/_/_/_/1/f/3/D/x/f3Dxv/2023-05-04_8-55-07_0.jpg (https://pimpandhost.com/image/222512017)...
Forum: Bugs 05-04-2023
Replies: 8
Views: 2,125
and so on and so on... Time stamps in file names ...

and so on and so on... Time stamps in file names

It has popped up two more times in less than the minute it took me to write and upload this quick reply = 3 times in one...
Forum: Bugs 05-04-2023
Replies: 8
Views: 2,125
Bell alerts go hyperactive

(Screens attached)

I have all 3 alerts unmuted in my profile settings.
With only one action in the bell alert, the thing keeps popping up and dinging over and over and over...only 1 activity in...
Forum: Suggestions / Feedbacks 04-25-2023
Replies: 4
Views: 2,812
I found a solution from my end...

To "Pimp" - you have a wonderful site here. You and your team continue to do an amazing job keeping up with all of us squawking chicks, LOL!!

I took a few minutes to pay attention to my latest...
Forum: Chit Chat 04-20-2023
Replies: 8
Views: 3,624
Does Gomez Addams turn away from a train...

Does Gomez Addams turn away from a train wreck...?!?!
-> OF COURSE we will look at the pictures!! Too funny - I love it!
Forum: Suggestions / Feedbacks 04-20-2023
Replies: 4
Views: 2,812
New Suggestion - Users Choose our own album cover photos?

It would really make the albums valuable if we could choose which 4 photos serve as the cover for an album. The system typically chooses randomly and it is frustrating to me because I understand how...
Forum: Bugs 04-20-2023
Replies: 3
Views: 1,741
Upvotes count is inaccurate?

This is not an emergency, but I want to point this out in case it is a sign of something elese going wonky in your programming:

The upvote count in the example image seems to be off by one: the...
Forum: Suggestions / Feedbacks 03-26-2023
Replies: 12
Views: 4,927
So awesome. Now back to my drawing table to draft...

So awesome. Now back to my drawing table to draft a coherent suggestion for makin that option more intuitive :-)

AWESOME SITE and an Admin and back-end team who clearly care!
Thank you!!
Forum: Suggestions / Feedbacks 03-25-2023
Replies: 12
Views: 4,927
THANK YOU That is so AWESOME, though not very...

THANK YOU That is so AWESOME, though not very intuitive. How do we form this into an actionable improvement suggestion for this awesome team at P&H? I think if this feature were more obvious it will...
Forum: PimpAndHost News 03-25-2023
Replies: 3
Views: 4,945

Forum: Chit Chat 03-25-2023
Replies: 14
Views: 5,700
I don't see any monopolization of the forum...

I don't see any monopolization of the forum posts. I see a few specific users who are keen to be more in the forum, so they stand out from the others, sure...but I don't see the "spam" level in the...
Forum: Suggestions / Feedbacks 03-22-2023
Replies: 12
Views: 4,927
This is just my 2-cents. It seems to me that many...

This is just my 2-cents. It seems to me that many of the site difficulties related in this issue of "photo side" and "forum side" is exactly that you are running 2 sites and trying to treat them like...
Forum: Suggestions / Feedbacks 03-22-2023
Replies: 12
Views: 4,927
This is exactly what I do. Right click-> new tab....

This is exactly what I do. Right click-> new tab. Forum and "current" photos page both opened.
Forum: Suggestions / Feedbacks 03-19-2023
Replies: 12
Views: 4,927
Me too. I have to go find my own way back to the...

Me too. I have to go find my own way back to the pictures. It is part of why the forum is a drag and I don't often come *here* (to the forum).
Forum: Introduction Zone 03-11-2023
Replies: 7
Views: 2,685
Much "ditto".

Much "ditto".
Showing results 1 to 25 of 25

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