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HTiD 08-10-2011 05:42 PM

Duplicate pics
Ok I have noticed this for a few days now that when I upload a picture that has already been upped here with maybe a different name, it will show me theres instead and won't upload to my album. This is fine, but just now I ran into a problem. I uploaded a picture as normal, the dupe picture came up but this time his album was password protected so I couldn't even get to see the picture and post it at my places.

This is kinda annoying and hopefully there is a fix for it or something.


pimp 08-11-2011 07:11 AM

I didnt really catch your point.

We did make so you cant upload "same exect pic" nemore, by showing you that you have a dupe already in location "x"


this time his album was password protected so I couldn't even get to see the picture and post it at my places.
I Didnt understand this part, can you please elaborate?

HTiD 08-11-2011 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by pimp (Post 4735)
I Didnt understand this part, can you please elaborate?

Basically when I upload a picture and another user has already uploaded the exact same picture, it will show me their picture instead of mine and when I click on it it takes me to their album. I usually just use their link when this happens, but sometimes they have password protected albums so I won't be able to see the picture or use the link.

Hope you understand ;) Thanks

rumag 08-12-2011 05:07 PM

the problem is fixed

HTiD 08-12-2011 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by rumag (Post 4738)
the problem is fixed

Oh sweet :) Nice one !!

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