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hepcat940 03-06-2025 01:37 AM

Unfortunately, P&H is turning into something like a Jan Klein Exposing Site with a side of continuously repeated pictures by Pigmeat, whiteslaveerin, and others.

Over 8gigs of creative albums (with view counts ranging as high as 3,000 to 7,000)--that will soon disappear--and 1300 posts that were creative, accidentally humorous and, at times, "decent"....but...*sigh* :( don't think I can work to contribute, put in mod time, and now pay, only to keep seeing the same guy with a cath, the same photoshopps, and the same plain wife "exposed" every day.

I can give it a little longer but things that brought us here, and kept us here, are slowly disappearing....
You've lost that lovin' feeling, woooah, that lovin' feeling....


AI_guy 03-06-2025 01:59 AM


Originally Posted by hepcat940 (Post 24996)
Unfortunately, P&H is turning into something like a Jan Klein Exposing Site with a side of continuously repeated pictures by Pigmeat, whiteslaveerin, and others.

Over 8gigs of creative albums (with view counts ranging as high as 3,000 to 7,000)--that will soon disappear--and 1300 posts that were creative, accidentally humorous and, at times, "decent"....but...*sigh* :( don't think I can work to contribute, put in mod time, and now pay, only to keep seeing the same guy with a cath, the same photoshopps, and the same plain wife "exposed" every day.

I can give it a little longer but things that brought us here, and kept us here, are slowly disappearing....
You've lost that lovin' feeling, woooah, that lovin' feeling....


I've only been here a few months and I'm seriously considering blocking in bulk

hepcat940 03-06-2025 06:04 AM


Originally Posted by AI_guy (Post 24997)
I've only been here a few months and I'm seriously considering blocking in bulk

At one point, my blocked list was a metric crap-ton long....but when I was given an opportunity to help mod the Guidelines, I took that (honor) seriously and stopped adding to the list.

Daily posts have become quite...um....pedestrian. And an increasing amount of it is along the line of what temp.exposed became. (If you know that site's story....it wasn't a "positive" or long-lasting model.)

The days of work to create "good" content that can attract interest--and hopefully make a positive impact on the revenue stream--might be over. But....maybe helping via mod'ing is the "distinguished road" to be on now.

Besides....if P&H can survive the Great Down-Vote Conflict of 2022, then The Pimp can lead it thru anything....!


pimp 03-06-2025 08:53 AM

Hello Dear Hep :)

The Idea to cleanup P&H from those posters you do not like is always on our mind, and I think maybe you can "filter" words like exposed and those that annoy you besides blocking the posters one by one, we have already Hide content with following tags : [ x ] in your settings, maybe we can update this to count also "words" and not only tags, so anything that has the word "exposed" or other words that annoy you, can be auto hidden and you will never see them.

NJHard 03-06-2025 05:53 PM

i agree so much. same images same fake shit each day. I know i post too much but i try to post things new and always original. I had to step back on modding because a glitch did not allow me to delete old posts of mine while modding. Stay here my friend

hw2495 03-06-2025 09:05 PM

I know I'm a one trick pony but I'm always striving to make a better/hotter pic. I try to avoid repetitious pics. Re the guys that want exposing done, my answer to them is: what can I do for you that the other 50 guys here and 5 other sites aren't doing?

hepcat940 03-08-2025 07:51 AM


Originally Posted by NJHard (Post 25020)
i agree so much. same images same fake shit each day. I know i post too much but i try to post things new and always original. I had to step back on modding because a glitch did not allow me to delete old posts of mine while modding. Stay here my friend

True true, NJ. My Mod-to-ContentCreating percentage is barely 85-to-15 now.....not that my content was anything spectacular (admittedly, 50% of my content was joking mostly at The Pimp's expense....don't know why he ever put up with me...:D)

Honestly, not sure exposing is the best route to take though. But being a capitalist pig, I want The Pimp/The P&H Site and Professional Wrestling to succeed.

Wish the boutique postings could take place on separate PimpAndExposeWomenIThinkAreWhores -or-PimeAndPostTheSameLadyEverday -or- PimpAndDailyPostCathaterGuy sites. All attempts to filter them have failed.

But...things change and I'm probably the last person to change. Heck, I'm the only person in the six-county metro area without a blu-ray player (my betamax still works just fine)....


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