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c_a_worshipper 11-12-2024 05:45 PM

Your album was removed

I can understand when content gets too weird or whatever, an album can be removed. But shouldn;t their be a message or notification upfront, perhaps a warning too remove content!??? I had none, no email or otherswise a headsup! And none of my material is shocking, vile, underage. Just porn and naked stuff.
Furthermore, I have no idea WHICH folder was so out of order that it had to be removed!! I have truly no idea why my post and folder got removed.

NudesRus 11-12-2024 06:16 PM

If the album was removed and the post it must of has something in it that did not follow P&H rules. I would review the posting rules and prohibited content guild lines to make sure no more of your albums get removed.

I have looked at your site and album's, and I don't see anything in them at this point that would have to be removed. Why the album removed I can't say. Not knowing what the content of the album was. Far as the post It looks like you made a post sometime today and it is still posted.

pimp 11-13-2024 07:58 AM

many time it has nothing to do with your content from our side, but we do get DMCA complaints on copyrighted content, and when such complain is received the content is getting removed. I am not talking specifically about your content since i have no idea who and why it got removed but just saying it is a possible scenario.

c_a_worshipper 11-13-2024 05:33 PM

Thanks for the replies. But again I would imagine the complaint reaching me in order to remove the content "or otherwise', pretty sure I hod no folder or do have a folder full of forbidden content, I am pretty erm straight in my kinks and posts. Maybe a certain pic with copyright, that can be, but certainly not an entire folder.
A pity that I do not know which folder it was, now I have AB-SO-LUTE-LY no idea why it was removed.and therefor it can happen again I am sure.
But again, thanks for the quick respons.

pimp 11-13-2024 05:52 PM

I understand what you are saying but the problem is we have no way to wait for user, for example lets say we got a DMCA complaint, not every user is on site 24/7 and will handle the DMCA super fast, so that is why we remove everything without waiting for user interaction, we can not count on users to act on this.

slimjim 11-14-2024 07:23 AM


Originally Posted by pimp (Post 24562)
I understand what you are saying but the problem is we have no way to wait for user, for example lets say we got a DMCA complaint, not every user is on site 24/7 and will handle the DMCA super fast, so that is why we remove everything without waiting for user interaction, we can not count on users to act on this.

I presume the answer is no as you would already have it in place but - is it possible to isolate a questionable album making it "hidden" giving staff & the poster time to assess the content before a final decision is made. This way maybe just the one or two images at issue could be removed rather than the whole album and the poster would be clear as to what images were the problem and know which studio/licence holder should not be posted in future?

pimp 11-14-2024 11:29 AM

Well to even develop such system it would take immense amount of resources and development time and the thing is that the number of people who would take advantage of this would be simply not big enough for us to even consider at this point.

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