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-   -   New Suggestion - Users Choose our own album cover photos? (https://forum.pimpandhost.com/showthread.php?t=4038)

Priscilla_the_Pinup 04-20-2023 08:51 AM

New Suggestion - Users Choose our own album cover photos?
It would really make the albums valuable if we could choose which 4 photos serve as the cover for an album. The system typically chooses randomly and it is frustrating to me because I understand how to drive click through by curating the cover of the album... and the system usually chooses the worst images for this.

Can you give us control over which photos are displayed as the cover?

I don't pretend to know your programming - but based on your current behaviors I made a screen capture to indicate the user experience I imagine. When we hover over images in albums that we own we get the "share" and "delete" options. This new choice could go before the "share" icon...so that it is not too close to the delete option!
The prompt/ hover help could read "set as cover".


pimp 04-20-2023 12:20 PM

We will see if it can be done :) and I'll update.

Priscilla_the_Pinup 04-25-2023 02:39 AM

I found a solution from my end...

Originally Posted by pimp (Post 21867)
We will see if it can be done :) and I'll update.

To "Pimp" - you have a wonderful site here. You and your team continue to do an amazing job keeping up with all of us squawking chicks, LOL!!

I took a few minutes to pay attention to my latest gallery upload and have determined that I can control the cover photos if I upload the first four photos of a gallery one-at-a-time...and then I have to be careful to not "re-upload" those photos a second time when I drag and drop the contents of my curated local folder to upload the gallery.

This is not ideal for me personally as it adds unnecessary steps to my process and increases the time it takes to upload...

But anyway I think it is fair to let you know of this solution so that :
1. You can better guide your team in this enhancement to allow us to select and better control the cover images for our galleries. Ideally we would be able to use a functionality like I demonstrated in the original post to this thread.
2. This request I make might be a very very low priority, and I have a personal solution... I might be the ONLY person on this site wishing for this.

You have my full support in the future of this site.
Thanks as always for your considerations!

Priscilla_the_Pinup 08-29-2023 01:26 PM

Hi pimp - you run a great site. I just wanted to swing back and let you know that I have moved my posting primarily to 2 other sites than this, and the reason is my ability to control the photos that appear as the cover to a photo album. It takes a lot of steps on my side to make it work here. You have a lot of good stuff going on, and I realize my case is distinct. I'll keep checking back to see if you institute some way for us to manage the covers of the albums.

I still come here as a viewer regularly, so be sure I am not saying this is a shit site by any means. It's just that this one element creates a lot of steps on my end.

I wish you hapiness and success!

pimp 08-29-2023 04:14 PM

Hello, I appreciate your input, we will handle it once the possibility comes. hope to see you here as a poster once again :)

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