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jackrabbit3 03-27-2023 01:12 AM

what does this message mean when I try to post images
postBlocks:Loaded image not found:stream (33).jfif(class app\models\Post line 564);
postBlocks:Loaded image not found:stream (34).jfif(class app\models\Post line 564);
postBlocks:Loaded image not found:stream (36).jfif(class app\models\Post line 564).

pimp 03-27-2023 07:11 AM

I Guess some kind of bug, we will forward this to our developer and well fix it, this is happening when you do "post" or upload images to albums?

hepcat940 03-27-2023 08:41 AM


Originally Posted by pimp (Post 21746)
I Guess some kind of bug, we will forward this to our developer and well fix it, this is happening when you do "post" or upload images to albums?

I see it sometimes in "Post".

pimp 03-27-2023 08:49 AM

I Understood from our dev team you are trying to upload .jiff files which are not supported by the site, why does it allow you to upload this , this is a whole another question, we are on it.

jackrabbit3 03-27-2023 01:54 PM

just for posts not albums. no biggie and always many thanks and only once in a little

hepcat940 03-28-2023 04:36 AM


Originally Posted by pimp (Post 21749)
I Understood from our dev team you are trying to upload .jiff files which are not supported by the site, why does it allow you to upload this , this is a whole another question, we are on it.

If I remember, I've seen it when I am in Post and hit "Save draft".

jackrabbit3 03-28-2023 12:47 PM

you are correct it does not load for albums either. not sure why my files are coming over as jiff now often

spanishfly86-4U 05-17-2023 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by hepcat940 (Post 21752)
If I remember, I've seen it when I am in Post and hit "Save draft".

I often see it when I am uploading a "Post" (never a gallery). I have not seen any distinguishable pattern to the cause - I cannot force this problem to occur, so I have not reported it ....
but since it is now a topic, yes I also experience this sometimes, randomly.

pimp 05-18-2023 04:17 AM

This happens on unsupported files such as .jiff, so its not really a bug but rather when you guys upload files we do not support.

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