bfire |
05-08-2017 01:30 PM |
Why SSL?
In September 2016 ****** started using SSL (HTTPS) and by June 2017 all image hosts used here need to support SSL in full. If they do not, those hosts will cease working on ******** (thumbnails won't load) as we'll be forcing all embedded content (images) to be loaded over a secure connection.
I've done an initial check to see which hosts aren't available over HTTPS yet. Those hosts have been banned:
- banned (lacks SSL)
- banned (incorrectly configured SSL)
- banned (lacks SSL)
- banned (lacks SSL)
- banned (lacks SSL)
- (lacks SSL)
Next week I will perform tests to see if the thumbnail links on every approved image host work over SSL. If not, more image hosts may be banned. It is technically not necessary for image hosts to output HTTPS image codes as long as there is proper SSL support on the main domains and subdomains. Still, if you do something, do it well. Good examples of full SSL.