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pimp 12-04-2016 08:48 PM

Should Empty albums be auto removed?
I Wonder, if you have albums with 0 pictures in them, should we automatically remove them? or you prefer to keep them so you can manually removed?

I thought automatic removal of empty albums would be pretty awesome, but please give me your input.

Jo.To 12-04-2016 08:54 PM

To save bandwidth? storage space? Don't see what's the main deal but alright yeah.

pimp 12-04-2016 09:03 PM

well if you have many albums, and you delete images, then you just have empty albums hanging in there, to me it`s just annoying to see ;) its not saving nothing just visual aid for the OCD freaks like myself lol.

pimp 12-04-2016 10:02 PM

I`ve added a poll, take your vote!

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