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ffrudo 08-27-2015 01:31 PM

'Next' and 'Last' buttons???
Hey guys, i love this website first and foremost but i love looking through my album and its such a pain without the Next and Previousbuttons at the top that have always been there. Why are they gone, coming back soon, or is there another way around? Thanks


ffrudo 09-16-2015 01:33 AM

Pimp, what happened to these buttons?? Am i missing them?

pimp 09-16-2015 09:35 PM

Those buttons do show on albums. if its a single image you wont see them.

ffrudo 09-17-2015 03:51 AM

Ok i found some next and previous buttons at the bottom of the album where there is about 15 pictures showing. There use to be those buttons on each picture you clicked in an album. Is that gone?

ffrudo 09-17-2015 03:55 AM

OK that is weird, i am seeing the buttons in other folks albums but not mine. Is there a setting i have turned off? Can you check it for me and see? Its the Panties album

ffrudo 09-17-2015 04:04 AM

Figured it out, there is apparently a limit on how many photos in an album before it loses the next and previous buttons. I move half my pics into a new album and now both albums work.

pimp 10-11-2015 06:34 AM

We will look into this, there should not be any problems )

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