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klees 05-16-2008 02:29 PM

No upload !
Impossible to upload a pic ! "error accured" and back to main page !

CTID 05-17-2008 01:34 AM

Same problem I am having.

Jo.To 05-17-2008 01:40 AM

yeah man what the hell?

CTID 05-17-2008 01:43 AM

I should add, when uploading directly from my own hard drive, I get this:

An Error Occurred!
return to the main menu.

When I use the "host it" function in the drop down menu, I get this:

Fatal Error: Duplicate entry '644402' for key 1
query=INSERT INTO images (fileName, description, albumId, sectionId, serverId,uploadDate,imageSourceTypeId,pimpCount,im ageFileSize,isAdult) VALUES ('b298c12daed2.gif', '', 47038, 2, 1,NOW(), 2,0,19325,0);

I get this wether copying images from other users, or from other websites.

My security settings are set to medium, cookies are enabled. All I do have in the drop down menu (after downloading your easy tool...can't recall the name of it) is Host This Image and Pimp This Image. Should there be anything else?


SxyMsclGazelle 05-17-2008 01:56 AM

I can't upload either, it says I have 54 images in my unsorted folder and when I go to the folder, nothing, not even one. Do you have a plugin for mozilla? or just for the cursed ie. IE is full of bugs and impossible to use, why does everyone make stuff for IE, most people I know use mozilla firefox. I am recommending this site and for what, so people can curse me out for having to put up with all these bugs and errors it's been buggy since I signed up, now it's worse than before.

pimp 05-18-2008 06:49 AM

Fixing it guys, give us few hours.

svsv 05-18-2008 08:45 AM

upload fixed

Jo.To 05-18-2008 02:34 PM

YES! thx u about time

pimp 05-18-2008 07:02 PM

Sorry for the delay.

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