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leigh48 12-19-2009 11:37 AM

Not happy !!!
how longs does it take to debug still got red strip on my acc.. and since this u have changed my sex ..and my acc which is suppose to be private and locked is not :( and people are getting into my acc and copying my pics and posting them:eek:please sort this out...and personally my view the old way of click and post was much quicker........................

pimp 12-19-2009 01:03 PM

First of all it DOES Take time to remove the "red strip" since we want people to report errors.
And there are lots of bugs to fix and we are working as fast as we can to get all those issues resolved.

Second regarding the "privacy" of your account, this is a valid issue and we will fix it next thing.

leigh48 12-20-2009 12:32 PM

thanku for ur reply ...can u tell me how to change my sex back to female ..tried doing it myself but failed

pimp 12-20-2009 01:05 PM

We didnt enable the gender on profiles yet, its soon to be fixed.

pimp 12-21-2009 02:59 PM

Private Albums are now Fixed again. Please try passwording your albums and let me know if all is bug free.

leigh48 12-21-2009 08:51 PM

i cant password my albums keep getting error :(..just got a msg ..test from a friend they got into my acc..:( please fix this for me..i want it secured

pimp 12-21-2009 10:21 PM

Can you please take screenshots of the errors OR what are you trying to do?

Maybe i missed something?


pimp 12-22-2009 01:57 PM

OK Try now please.

I "passworded" an DEMO Album and it seems to work perfect.


Isn't it what you wanted?

leigh48 12-22-2009 02:19 PM

no just tried all i get is error..bottom left of my comp screen..at the moment i cant us and post as all my acc is being view i just want to decide who see,s my pics.. all my albums have a closed lock and it worked b4 u change the format :( really fustrating :(

pimp 12-22-2009 03:20 PM

Wait i`m really confused.

Can you please make a screenshot so i can see what you are talking about?

pimp 12-22-2009 04:18 PM

Try putting now password on your album, i belive we fixed it.

leigh48 12-23-2009 08:53 AM

no:( sorry not fixed:( same as b4 error on page yet again :(

pimp 12-23-2009 09:02 AM

So i`m totally lost.

Please explain me the problem and use screenshots since i really don't understand what do you mean.

leigh48 12-23-2009 09:31 PM

sorry dont know how to use screen shot..when i try to password my albums i get a error along the bar at the left hand side bottom of my screen..my albums all have a closed lock on them ..but some-one has tried and can view all my pics in all my albums the codes they can also get to copy and paste back to me..to show me..i really dont know how i can exsplain any better than that ..basically i cant password any of my albums:( till my acc has been secured and private i cant use over 2000 of my pics:(

pimp 12-23-2009 10:01 PM

There is NO WAY someone can see your pics from PASSWORDED Album unless he has your password....

pimp 12-27-2009 08:13 AM

Profiles are fixed, now you can fix your Gender & Avatar again.

leigh48 12-27-2009 11:58 AM

cool but still cant password my albums:(

leigh48 01-03-2010 11:51 AM

<a href="http://www.pimpandhost.com/index.php/image/2889534-original.html"><img src="http://www.pimpandhost.com/media/simple/23547/c6642388524c1a05f247c31f065d1388.jpg"/></a>
private album still not private..cant password all i get is a error:(..cant do screen shot wont let me:( hoping this works:) took a picture and loaded onto pimp to show u..please..try and fix this as i cant use my albums till i get this secured and locked..

pimp 01-03-2010 05:08 PM

LOL Leigh48.. ;) I Understood you have error , but i cant see the error...

you need to explain what do you meen by "it wont let me"

there is no way you cant password your album. we did test this on around 20 browsers...

show me what happends when you try to password your album, thats the error i need to see and not the fact that it says you have an error.

P.S: Also when embeding for forums use BBcode not HTML code...

leigh48 01-04-2010 12:15 PM

lol omg.grrrrrrrrrrrrrr i dont know how to exsplain :( when i try and password my albums i get the error at bottom of my screen..and i dont get a notif sayin that the password has been accepted and done..as for codes omg want to confuse me even more.:( ..i always used html to post my pics..so now please tell me what the diff is and why i should use the bb code..and stop laughing lol

pimp 01-04-2010 05:47 PM


Lets start from the beginning

What Browser Do you use?
are you on WINDOWS? if so which version?



I press the little LOCK it pops out a PASSWORD box.

Put any password in the place i put DEMO and CLICK OK!


Easy as that. i hope it helps.

leigh48 01-06-2010 10:03 AM

yeh !!! :) think i have done it thanku mr pimp :) lol

pimp 01-06-2010 09:39 PM

LOL :))))

It`s about time....

Finally! God bless you lol.

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