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confessionsofamaniac 07-09-2014 12:30 PM

worst fetish
about hentai, little did you know that 95% of hentai consists of underage girls, they are children who look like adults or adults who look like children, but there's no way of enforcing a law against it

go and look at Rule 34, it's about as legal as any regular hentai you are likely to come across, you just don't know that because you never researched the character

there is some controversy saying that hentai should be banned, that's why it's on the list

deturbo 07-28-2014 02:25 PM

I really don't like the term banning. It goes beyond censorship.Apparently some people like eating shit. Do we deny them this ummmm whatever? But if I had to choose...sorry shit eaters.

artmodels 03-03-2015 11:53 PM

I cannot pick only one answer, so I will not vote. Anything unhealthy needs to be banned. So eating shit, drinking piss, fucking animals, smothering, and any extreme torture that leaves a permanent damage should be banned.

Rape is usually pretend, but if real, should be banned as well.

No one gets hurt with incest, so let them fuck.

mangaoffline01 03-21-2015 11:26 AM

Unfortunately I had to pick only 1...

Hentai is very much uncontrollable, everything can go here (rape, pedo, tentacle,...etc). Others are very disgusting with the shit, piss and puke. I can't understand how they developed a fetish over this. Rape, torture and the other are dangerous. I don't like incest even in game of thrones.

Public porn with ninja move is good for me (bookstore, office, park)

btw.. what is flashing?

ben1066 07-07-2015 10:54 PM

I would ban puke that does no turn me on at all

Louche 07-18-2015 09:09 AM

lolwut incest worse than rape?

finisher 12-05-2015 09:28 PM

eating shit!!! blawww

holland1 12-12-2015 05:46 AM

could never eat shite

andrew1232 12-13-2015 11:53 PM

Sorry shit eaters

andrew1232 12-14-2015 12:25 AM

I also hate piss one thats just disgusting

andrew1232 12-14-2015 12:27 AM

Ow and puke like what the fuck who likes that stuff

SouthernStyle 02-23-2024 05:46 PM

Love incest and I don’t see a problem if the royalty families back in the old days did it and if you think about it god made eve from Adam so kinda Adam is eves dad hmmm . I think moms and daughters together worshipping cock is sexy as fuck

PaulPacha 03-08-2024 04:36 PM

Everything I can understand why it's appealing. Hell, even young girls I can understand. At least young teens; lets face it, some are VERY pretty - dumb as doorknobs, but pretty.

But shit...that I will never understand.

volvovolvo 03-12-2024 04:47 PM


hepcat940 03-16-2024 04:29 PM

Whores, websluts, web-famous cunts, exposed unknowns

VacantStare 06-04-2024 06:05 PM

Hentai shows practically every single other item from the list.

Things like the anime series Angel Core, for example, show every perversion imaginable and a are a produced material.

It seems in Japan there's a tradtitional underground hentai market, illegal manga sold in the streets, sometimes created by mainstream famous mangaka under a pseudonym. It sounds like hardcore things happen in those books.

The rest of the list, as far as it is consensual, it is up to the people involved. Not rape, obviously, but rape is banned already in general.

I'd have voted for "daddy Doms" and "little girls" combo, but there was no option.

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