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11-06-2012 05:31 PM

Image was removed ERROR
uploaded some pics to my account today, no problems with that

tried posting to forums as i have done for over 6000 pics, but after i post it says
"This image was removed"

maybe a forum error, or is it pimpandhost error???

pimp 11-07-2012 11:43 AM

Maybe the image was removed due to copyright violation, when we receive DMCA for images we remove them.

11-07-2012 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by pimp (Post 6274)
Maybe the image was removed due to copyright violation, when we receive DMCA for images we remove them.

No, it showed that error image right away, didn't even show the image posted.
i'll try again now.

i understand that images brought to host attention may be removed, but this didn't even view for 1 micro second, so i know it wasn't that.

also there are other people posting on the forum in question (not sure what host they are using)

just some info on the post to help see if it is pimp error or not.

((( Update )))
just posted and it is working now, the other image from yesterday (well 2) are still showing image removed
properties on the error picture are
so i know it is coming from pimp, not my forum host.

i have posted almost 6000 pictures with this never happening, so i would be very amazed if the server knew right off the bat it was copyright protected, seeing i get most of my photos from the same source, and all the others work.

oh well, working now so no biggie i guess, just a little hitch.


11-07-2012 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by xxxcd (Post 6275)
No, it showed that error image right away, didn't even show the image posted.
i'll try again now.

i understand that images brought to host attention may be removed, but this didn't even view for 1 micro second, so i know it wasn't that.

also there are other people posting on the forum in question (not sure what host they are using)

just some info on the post to help see if it is pimp error or not.

((( Update )))
just posted and it is working now, the other image from yesterday (well 2) are still showing image removed
properties on the error picture are
so i know it is coming from pimp, not my forum host.

i have posted almost 6000 pictures with this never happening, so i would be very amazed if the server knew right off the bat it was copyright protected, seeing i get most of my photos from the same source, and all the others work.

oh well, working now so no biggie i guess, just a little hitch.


and the error is back, please check into this PimpH and see what might be going on.
posted 20 + pictures today to a forum, all worked, now trying another bunch, first one failed.
in 2 different treads.

pimp 11-12-2012 05:47 PM

On it, will report soon.

11-13-2012 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by pimp (Post 6282)
On it, will report soon.

just posting forum data directly to post window and it is working fine now
have always posted as a link, but i guess some how it is trying to make a link within a link.

either way, all posts since i changed method have worked perfect, so don't waste time looking unless it is affecting other features for other users.

thanks PimpH

wuilon 11-14-2012 10:30 PM

http://ist1-2.filesor.com/pimpandhos...0cu__ada_0.jpg http://ist1-4.filesor.com/pimpandhos.../tetazas_0.jpg

Plamko 11-21-2012 12:28 PM

I have the same problem. Many of my photos are now labeled "This image was removed". Some of them are not shared anywhere.
I need to upload photos again? or the error will be fixed?

ejunk1 12-11-2012 04:57 AM

Images Removed
I can understand taking down pictures that violate ownership, but a good number of the pictures that have been removed from my account were photographs I took myself.

Meeshax3 12-11-2012 05:15 AM

It seems odd that pictures that have been in my account for 2 years plus are now removed due to copyright...I think the problem lies within pimp. And it seems the images were all the older ones in my account and I can see the same images still existing in other accounts. So if they are gone due to copyright issues for me why not the other accounts as well. I think you need to readdress this issue pimp!

pimp 12-11-2012 05:56 AM

Guys please paste URL`s to such images so we can investigate

nocap 12-11-2012 04:49 PM

My images are being removed
My images are being removed. All the pics are being removed from some albums.
This cannot be due to copyright violations because they are from a large variety of sources.
Why is this happening?

pimp 12-11-2012 07:34 PM

Please link to URLS (Examples)

preperd 12-11-2012 09:40 PM

I'd say about a third of the images i've uploaded over the past few months have now been removed. The older stuff is fine. Here's a selection, but there's hundreds


Meeshax3 12-12-2012 05:10 PM

Here you go...this does not even cover all the missing images from the first page of albums.

Hooters 12-17-2012 01:43 PM


Just found out that 6 images were removed from an album... :mad:


Its not copyrighted material, just some small animated GIFs.

Whats going on!?

* EDIT *

sallywebster 12-20-2012 06:37 PM

pictures removed
large numbers of my albums are being removed from my accounts.

I no longer feel that this is a safe place for my collections.

pimp 12-21-2012 09:17 AM

Hooters, when was the album uploaded and when did you find out pics are gone?

Sally - If the images has been verified as "copyrighted" they could be removed. i`m sorry

nocap 12-21-2012 05:46 PM

missing pics
Hundreds of my pics have been removed!
This is no longer a safe site to keep my precious stuff.
I am now, laboriously downloading all my albums and reloading them to other, safer on-line servers.

RipRomul 12-22-2012 12:32 PM

Today many images began to give a message to remove them. In reality, they are not removed. It is a pity that this bug is not fixed and the situation is getting worse.

12-22-2012 03:21 PM

missing pics
if they are still there, why cant we find them?

pimp 12-23-2012 05:56 AM

Guys we are trying to understand....

please post links to "removed" images.

even 3-4 links are good, so we can investigate

SimsSin 12-23-2012 02:18 PM

pimp I send you several codes yet (private message).. Many many maaaany of my pics vanished.

pimp 12-23-2012 04:01 PM

flarz i got it thanks, we are trying to find out the issue.

highwayman274 12-24-2012 09:24 PM

Me too !
Hi, Pimp

I will send you a PM with link to one of my folders that has had all images removed. All my other folders remain intact.


pimp 12-25-2012 01:40 PM

O.k, checking into it.

SimsSin 12-25-2012 07:39 PM

Pimp Merry christmas, thank you. I just hope, the pics can be recovered? Itīs rather a lot. :-(

SimsSin 12-27-2012 12:12 AM

Slowly very slowly, some of my pictures came back. But still, a lot is not available yet. Maybe server hickupīs?

Hooters 12-28-2012 10:09 PM


Originally Posted by pimp (Post 6484)
Hooters, when was the album uploaded and when did you find out pics are gone?

Dunno, where can I see that? I think about 2 years ago, not sure though!

On the day of the o.p. (1 week ago... errm... Dec 21, 2012, dates work better btw ;) )

found another one in another album...

Posted: Dec 28, 2012

backup 01-07-2013 11:57 PM




here are a few of my "removed photos" that may be suspect to error

retro 01-10-2013 06:38 PM

Why are my images being removed?
It can't be because of copyright complaints because some of the pics are being removed from albums with other pics from the same source.
I am downloading my albums as quickly as possible and putting them in safer places.

NastyPantyGirl 01-10-2013 10:31 PM

Image Removed
The same thing has happened to a few hundred of my images posted elsewhere...'image was removed' there is no way there is a copy write infringement as I am the owner of the photos removed...what gives?

johnwe 01-11-2013 01:53 AM

The same thin has been happening to me as well. The images have been posted in my albums for a number of months to years. Now, suddenly they are shown as being removed.

I would like to know what is going on also. Thanks.

pimp 01-11-2013 12:26 PM

Guys are those "new" uploads that gone missing or OLD albums/pics?

by old i mean 1-2 month+

also when did you notice pics are missing/gone?

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