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Amateursexkitty 01-23-2023 03:59 PM

I was wondering if posts could have a queue for drafts so we could make a few up to keep in there to release at various times, or in various order.
Rather than 10 pictures with “Here’s my pussy, look at it,” I tend to write a full story to go with my post’s pics. Lots of times I get half way through drafting a post and I get started on a new escapade that I’d like to publish first, but without loosing my previous post’s draft.
When Tumblr was a thing I use to queue a ton of pics with stories on there and set it to publish them every so many minutes during the peak viewing hours. I’m not looking for anything that exotic, but figured I’d throw the idea out there. ;)

pimp 01-23-2023 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by Amateursexkitty (Post 21106)
I was wondering if posts could have a queue for drafts so we could make a few up to keep in there to release at various times, or in various order.
Rather than 10 pictures with “Here’s my pussy, look at it,” I tend to write a full story to go with my post’s pics. Lots of times I get half way through drafting a post and I get started on a new escapade that I’d like to publish first, but without loosing my previous post’s draft.
When Tumblr was a thing I use to queue a ton of pics with stories on there and set it to publish them every so many minutes during the peak viewing hours. I’m not looking for anything that exotic, but figured I’d throw the idea out there. ;)

Hey, we have Schedule Post Time option, or is it not doing what you need fully?

Amateursexkitty 01-23-2023 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by pimp (Post 21111)
Hey, we have Schedule Post Time option, or is it not doing what you need fully?

Maybe I’m missing it being that I do everything from my phone, but I have to finish and publish a post before I can start another. I’d like to be able to save a post (finished or not) in a queue when I find myself out playing and want to quickly post something else I’m doing at the moment.
Example; I started putting a post together with pictures and a narrative and had quite a bit of work put into it when my neighbor called me and asked me to go out driving around with him and a couple of his friends. While we were out driving around, my friend dared me to take all my clothes off and see if I could coax some random person into having sex with me. I had to get rid of the old post I was working on so that I could make a new one to post up pictures of what I was doing with them from out on the road.

Amateursexkitty 03-02-2023 05:00 PM

Ok, here's my next dumb question. Is there a specific link to our profile page, or do we just copy the address bar? I didn't notice the link icon anywhere on my "About/Albums/Posts" pages? I'm operating via mobile if that matters.

pimp 03-03-2023 04:01 PM

Yep its as simple as adding your username after pimpandhost.com/$username.

In your case it`s https://pimpandhost.com/Amateursexkitty :)

RETIRED_237943 03-03-2023 07:20 PM

The page format when viewing "Posts" is one picture per page. Then you have to scroll down to see the rest of the images.
Any chance of have an option for thumbnail viewing?
Scrolling down numerous images I find tedious, made even worse when I don't care for the pictures.
I rarely view the new posts for that reason.
Sorry if it sounds petty..

pimp 03-04-2023 07:00 AM


Originally Posted by sotrokidra (Post 21487)
The page format when viewing "Posts" is one picture per page. Then you have to scroll down to see the rest of the images.
Any chance of have an option for thumbnail viewing?
Scrolling down numerous images I find tedious, made even worse when I don't care for the pictures.
I rarely view the new posts for that reason.
Sorry if it sounds petty..

I had such thoughts it mind already, do you have example of a UI that you do like or a site that does that integration well? if so show some example maybe we can get some smart inspiration

RETIRED_237943 03-04-2023 09:19 AM


Originally Posted by pimp (Post 21489)
show some example maybe we can get some smart inspiration

That's the six million dollar question..

One site I like is this one:


With a bit of tweaking I think it could tick the boxes -
  • It still gives each post a page to itself.
  • Allows for a title and a bit of blurb
  • Gives a good preview of the pics, but can be scrolled past quickly if undesirable.
  • Provides a link to another page for the full gallery if wanted

I realize this might be a bit of a big ask, but at least it looks clean and simple in design.

spanishfly86-4U 03-05-2023 05:38 PM

...about a thumbnail view for "posts"...it sounds like you are describing a gallery, like what the site already provides? I am always wondering why people put so many photos in a POST instead of making a gallery. I have myself noticed that the posts get more attention than the galleries, so I have evolved my process to be making a one or two photo post to promote a new gallery whenever I create one. I hope this is productive feedback.


spanishfly86-4U 03-05-2023 06:46 PM

I don't mean to flood this thread, but I just looked and https://spanking.photos/
and it seems that site is the marriage of what this site (P&H) does as galleries and posts put together. I would encourage admin here to beef up the functionality of the galleries and not get weeded by customizing the POSTS section.

Thank you for "listening" (reading).

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