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pimp 12-16-2016 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by AmIdemon (Post 13763)
I like the new format very easy to navigate, Thank you for your good work. But when to you think the download Album feature be restored?

Should be now fixed, please test it out. :)

Foxic 12-16-2016 06:10 PM

no links !!!

pimp 12-16-2016 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by Foxic (Post 13772)
no links !!!

What? Provide an example please.

Foxic 12-16-2016 06:18 PM


Foxic 12-16-2016 06:21 PM

already it works

Louche 12-17-2016 01:33 AM

And I can't log in at all. The words don't get inputed on my computer and on my phone, the page just keeps reloading itself.


Oh, this is too funny, man. This is exactly what I knew what was going to happen with this change. You fix something that ain't broke, and it goes to crap. Like what happened to ATFbooru.

I've been on here since summer of 2013. Very sad to see this happen, but I always knew it would someday. Even if it worked, it still looks like every other generic image hosting site now, not the charming pimpandhost I used to love.

But it would be nice if it at least worked.

pimp 12-17-2016 05:01 AM


Originally Posted by Louche (Post 13777)
And I can't log in at all. The words don't get inputed on my computer and on my phone, the page just keeps reloading itself.


Oh, this is too funny, man. This is exactly what I knew what was going to happen with this change. You fix something that ain't broke, and it goes to crap. Like what happened to ATFbooru.

I've been on here since summer of 2013. Very sad to see this happen, but I always knew it would someday. Even if it worked, it still looks like every other generic image hosting site now, not the charming pimpandhost I used to love.

But it would be nice if it at least worked.

Well instead of all this it would be just nice to explain what is not working so we can fix it,
the fact that you are writing this whole thing is not really helping anything besides discouraging all our hard work ... as you can see we work around the clock to fix all up.

Louche 12-17-2016 05:56 AM

Well, so far, your hard work has done nothing but lock me out of my own account/gallery. So I am discouraging it.
I liked the site as it was. That's why I joined, it impressed me.

and I said before not to use blinding white backgrounds... but you did anyway. That makes it uncomfortable to use in a dark room.

Louche 12-17-2016 08:11 AM

When I tried to restore my trash, all the pictures disappeared... great

scorpio6060 12-17-2016 01:30 PM

I am having a problem with loading a pic onto my blog. This has happened before. When I refresh my P&H I get a "processing" message which continues until I delete the file. On my blog I get message "File has been removed"

Help please

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