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-   -   Cant see Images, all black. (https://forum.pimpandhost.com/showthread.php?t=194)

svsv 05-21-2008 07:55 PM

are you uploading an animated gif?

original-sin 05-30-2008 04:34 PM

I can not show share my albums with friends. I seen this url album, but can not by explored: http://www.pimpandhost.com/original-sin/ Wath should I do ?

zyga56 06-03-2008 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by jessica666 (Post 744)
When I upload images, all I see is that everything is black. I cant see the image, its just one black rectangle.


Bushman 06-06-2008 12:01 AM

Hi, all! The only time this has happened to me is when, I uploaded a couple
of pics in "Bitmap" or bmp. It is the type of file, from where I'm sitting.
I still have problems, pimpimg

zyga56 06-06-2008 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by original-sin (Post 791)
I can not show share my albums with friends. I seen this url album, but can not by explored: http://www.pimpandhost.com/original-sin/ Wath should I do ?


Bushman 06-06-2008 05:50 PM

I am having problems too! My first effort to transfer painstaking work, yielded a thumbnail!:confused: Can they still be read?

i1marine69 06-28-2008 07:12 AM

Hello to the whole community.

I see that I am not the only lowLife with this problem.
Good luck.

How do you get to veiw the foto?
All I get is a screne box that says "You are not allowed to see this image
- for more info please visit: www.PimpAndHost.com".
Okay I did that's how I got here.
Please answer.

phazoule 06-28-2008 07:53 AM

Pics wont load!
Their not come'n up black, but their just not loading completely! I can see them when I edit them, they load up fine then, but not when I view my folders. In fact the folders come up, but don't show the pics. I don't get it! Did I up load to many dirty pics?:confused:

pimp 06-29-2008 07:04 AM

Where are you from? and what browser are u using?

pattonfiend67 12-17-2008 11:25 PM

i am having this problem as well, i use firefox 3.0.5

i have no problems with nay other pics...

just uploaded 48 mb of images and they are now useless to me...

any help would be greatly appreciated... i do not want to have to find another pichost again...

thanks for the help!!!

also, they are JPEG files... not bitmaps...

and each file is 1244kb in size...

hope all of that info helps.

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